Laura Rena Murray has written public interest and accountability stories for local, national and international outlets. Her work exposed the life-threatening practice of illegal silicone injections among transgender women in New York City and uncovered the biggest Ponzi scheme in the history of San Francisco when an influential social justice foundation was used to defraud donors of millions. Her cross border investigations have examined resource deals brokered by corporate webs with pariah regimes throughout Africa and highlighted corporate land concessions in Southeast Asia that displace tens of thousands in return for millions in investments.

Laura Rena Murray’s investigative journalism has earned her numerous accolades and recognition for her dedication to uncovering the truth. Her work continues to inspire others to pursue accountability and transparency in various sectors. If you’re interested in learning more about her impactful stories, you might want to buy journal article critique services to get a deeper analysis of social works.

Laura’s reportage on child welfare led her to uncover abuse inside Philadelphia’s juvenile detention centers in 2011. The following year, she investigated orphan trafficking in Cambodia’s tourism industry. In 2013, she reported on Indian child welfare laws and practices and spent months traveling to reservations in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona.

Her work has been recognized by the Overseas Press Club, Investigative Reporters and Editors, Daniel Pearl Investigative Journalism Initiative, Nation Institute, Barbara Deming Memorial Fund, Ragdale Foundation and National Lesbian and Gay Journalism Association. Laura is a graduate of the Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism at Columbia University and has also studied at the University of Pennsylvania, Kings College and the Université François-Rabelais.